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Kushite Chronicles: History and Origin of the Numidian Force

Ta-Seti and the Meroites|


Ta-Seti was home to the Meroites, an ancient, earth-based people and civilization that flourished in Africa's Nile Valley, the seat of the world's oldest civilization. The Meroites originally migrated from an ancient continent to the South that sank into the ocean floor after an unexplained cataclysm known as 'The Event'around 12,000 BC or 14,000 years ago.


Upon arriving and settling in the Nile Valley, descendents of the early migrants from the South reconstructed the glory and past achievements of their ancient civilization.


Generally a peaceful and cosmopolitan people, the Meroites were world renowned for their advanced knowledge of astronomy, particularly their knowledge of distant galaxies, as well as their carefully guarded secrets of advanced engineering, physics, and spacecraft technology. 

Culturally sophisticated, the Meroites invented the world's first alphabetic script, an ethical system of government known as Ma'at, and built large public works projects and complex irrigation systems to control the flow of the 4, 132 mile long Nile River, the earth's longest river.  


Great public works projects served aritistic and economic purposes and included architectural wonders such as pyramids, and dual-purposed temple complexes that served as astronomical observatories and unversities called 'The Temple of Life.' Governed by enlightened leaders, Meroe's societal values stressed social, economic and political justice, and the rule of law.


Injustice of  any kind was not tolerated and swiftly dealt with. Environmentaly conscious, ecology and its related branches (especially chemistry and biology) were chief sciences taught in the Temple of Life. Public education was mandatory.


Archtecture was designed to co-exist with the natural environment and great care was taken to ensure minimal harm to the environment including the atmosphere, plant, mineral and animal kingdoms.


The Great Technology Wars


Peace and tranquility reigned for a time in Meroe. That is, until it became a target of a series of sudden, well coordinated, violent attacks by nomadic warriors from the Northern Steppes.  Called 'The Great Technology Wars,' these attacks resulted in intense, protracted combat between the Meroites and militaristic Steppe warriors known as the Teukrians (formerly the Destroyers). 


A veritable arms race ensued as each side sought to gain the advantage in  battle. The attacks by the Teukrians caught the Meroites completely unprepared. One result was that the normally peaceful Meroites quickly developed a permanent, profesional, and formidable, military caste under the leadership of Colonel Keb, also known as Commander Keb, the father of Yin Yang.


Under Colonel Keb's leadership, a military academy was formed under the name Department of Protective Sciences (DPS). Tasked with military planning, logistics, strategy and tactics, the DPS oversaw all aspects of Meroe's national defense. Its principle goal was to defeat the Teukrians.

After decades of turmoil, in which the Teukrians established a permanent presence in the North, a fragile peace was eventually reached with the Meroites, but the seeds of future conflict lay beneath the surface. Among the Steppe warriors were the ancestors of MarTu and Magogolith, both destined to become the 'Chief Adversaries' of the Numidian Force.



The Sakkara: Stranded in Space

Relative peace now established, the Meroites re-focused their energies away from the destruction of war towards peaceful development of their wartorn society. Agricultural production, the foundation of the Meroe economy, and commerce was restored, eventually surpassing previous levels. Building construction was resumed.


Trade relations were re-established and public schools were re-opened on a permanent basis.  Prior to the Great Technology Wars, Meroe's engineering and astro-physics school system was world-renowned. From around the known world, students flocked to Meroe to learn at its famed Temples of Life under its great teachers.

Despite their impressive knowledge of astronomy and technological advancement,it was during a 'routine' space exploration mission that would set in motion the series of events that would lead to the great conflict between the Numidian Force and the Teukrians.


During this fateful mission, the Meroites strayed into an uncharted galaxy aboard the spacecraft Sakkara.  Commanded by Luxor, the father of Karnak, the 5,000 person Sakkara was a massive, self-contained eco-system complex that contained the features of a large, rural-urban, environmentally conscious city.

Young at the time, also on board the Sakkara where the group that would become known as the Numidian Force, including: Karnak's parents Luxor and Aminah, Yin Yang's father Commander Keb and mother Tun-Sun, SeeBa and TaMerit's parents Kashta and Taharka, and Dreadlock's father, Sunlock, and mother, Tiye. 


From one of Meroe's oldest clans, Kashta and Taharqa were royal dignitaries invited aboard the Sakkara on what they thought would be a routine mission - an aerial survey of the planet Earth. Among the Sakkara's officers were Aristor and Mayan.

Also on board was MarTu, a Teukrian who was a veteran of the Great Technology Wars and was destined  to become the arch enemy of the Maatian Federation and the Numidian Force.  MarTu lead the warlike Teukrians who occupied the northern region of Ta-Seti. Following their truce with the the Teukrians, the Meroites accepted Martu's people into their society and began integrating them into their nation.

During this particular mission, an unexplained mechanical failure began to rapidly depleting the Sakkara's energy source which, at the time, was believed to provide a self-generated fuel for exactly 10,000 light years. Ta-Seti's engineers designed the Sakkara's fuel system so that the ship could make frequent return trips to planet Earth without refueling, deliver its findings and continue on with its next mission.


Under mysterious circumstances, the massive spacecraft suddenly slowed down and was forced to land on the nearest planet which, fortunately, had an atmospheric system similar to the planet Earth, making it habitable for human beings. Perhaps the greatest surprise was that the strange planet was inhabited by modern humans similar in type and variation to the human inhabitants of planet Earth.


The Planet Gondwanaland


Prior to the arrival of the Meroites, and because it was uncharted because it was unkown, the Meroites had no name for the new planet on which they found themselves. In an example of the vastness and mystery of the UniVerse, and the limitations of their knowledge, the Meroities assumed that no galaxy or solar system was able to sustain life as they knew it on the planet earth.  They were wrong!


The Meroite's found themselves in what was essentially a parallel UniVerse.  Napata was a planet that almost completely resembled Earth's 4.5 billion year history during the supercontinent geologic cyle called Gondwana during the Triassic Period (200 million years ago). 


Centered around the equator, Napata's massive land mass was semi- tropical with oceans, seas and an atmosphere identical to the  Earth's. The continents and sub-continents known today as Africa, Arabia, then connected to Africa, South America, India, Australia and Antartica were all joined into the massive geologic continental system called Gondwana.

Among the more fascinating aspects of Gondwana was that humans co-existed with mammals that had been extinct on the planet Earth for millions of years. Even more fascinating to the Meroites was that Napata's people, culture, and even languages were identical in many ways to the ancient African, Asian, MesoAmerican and European cultures. The Meroites rightly concluded that Gondwana may reveal clues into the history and origin of the planet Earth.



Napata is the name of the country by which the people of the planet Gondwana called themselves. Initially, the landing of the Sakkara created great anxiety among the Napatan's who believed that they were being invaded by an enemy race of beings obviously superior in technological knowledge. 


But after establishing diplomatic contact, and upon learning the true nature of their arrival, the Meroities and Napatan's entered into a series of high-level discussions to establish the conditions of their stay on Gondwana.  In recognition of the mutual social and technological benefits to be derived from one another, the Napatan's invited the Meroites to assist them in forming a governing body of mutual consultation and democracy. 


Feeling obliged and honored, the Meroites accepted the invitation on condition that, once settled, their primary mission was to return to their homeland- planet Earth.  The land of Ta-Seti. Also by mutual agreement, and as a daily reminder, the Napatan's and the Meroite's agreed that their standard greeting when meeting one another would be 'Hotep', which meant 'Peace'.  Finally, they also agreed to name the new governing body, the Maatian Federation.

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