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TaMerit Fact File



KNOWN RELATIVES: SeeBa (sister), Kashta (mother), Taharqa (father

ABILITIES: Tamerit has an I.Q at the genius level (160). She was educated at the University of Thebes in astronomy and computer science.

WEAPONS AND INSTRUMENTS: As an Adept, TaMerit has use of the Sacred Staff providing her with the ability to extract life forces from other beings and communicate over vast distances of space and time with others via astral projections of herself.

KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS: Tamerit can fly at high altitudes. She has a perfect audio-visual memory and for gets nothing that she sees or hears.

HISTORY: A gifted child, TaMerit was educated at the University of Thebes in astronomy and computer science. She is renowned on Napata for her ability to chart and name most of known galaxies of the UniVerse, including newborn, living and dead and dying stars.


However, TaMerit has been unable to solve "The Great Mystery," the location of the galaxy in which the Meroites of Napata now find themselves. TaMerit's parents Kashta and Taharqa were born in Meroe and were royal dignataries on board the spacecraft Sakkara when it became stranded on Napata.


GROUP AFFILIATION: Member of the Numidian Force. Rear Admiral, Task Force Dogon. Commander, Spacecraft Orion Nebula

BASE OF OPERATIONS: Orion Nebula Spacecraft

HEIGHT: 5"9"

WEIGHT: 135 lbs.

EYES: Light Brown

HAIR: Black

MISSION: Locate the lost Earth based Civilization of Meroe

MOTTO: "I'm in Effect!"

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