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Yin Yang Fact File



KNOWN RELATIVES: Tun-Sun (mother), Colonel Keb (father)

ABILITIES: Yin Yang is an energy physicist, economics logistician, and has masstered all of the branches of maritial arts which on Napata are called The Protective Sciences.

STRENGTH LEVEL: Yin Yang is in peak physical condition and fitness. His normal strength level enables him to lift 500 ilbs which, using principles of physics, he is able to leverage into several tons. 


WEAPONS AND INSTRUMENTS: Yin Yang utilizes and has mastery over several weapons. His weapons of choice are the 3 sectional staff, the sword, and the long staff. As an Adept, Yin Yang has access to the Sacred Staff which gives him the ability to extract life forces from other beings and communicate over vast distances of space and time with others via astral projections of himself.

KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS:  Yin Yang can harness the forces of electromagnetic energy and can suspend himself in space for extended periods of time.


HISTORY: Yin Yang is the son of Tun-Sun, who is a meember of the Maation Federation, and Colonel Keb who establised the first military academy and defense system, the Department of Protective Scienes, at Meroe to defend the Meroites from the Teukrians.


While Yin Yang was still a child, Commander Keb was killed in an ambush by MarTu who extracted his life forces using the Sacred Staff.  He is very close to the elder Master Sage who served as a surrogate father to him.


Being the son of a military officer, yin Yang underwent a more rigorous training than mandatory in the Protective Sciences. Yin Yang was educated at the University of Thebes (House of Life) in atrophysics, medicine, natural healing and herbology.

GROUP AFFILIATION: Member of Numidian Force, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, Spacecraft Usiri, Task Force Dogon.

BASE OF OPERATIONS: Spacecraft Usiri

HEIGHT: 6 "2"

WEIGHT: 215 lbs.

EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Black

MISSION: find the lost Earth based civilization of Meroe

MOTTO: "Always Keep Your Balance!"

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