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Karnak Fact File




KNOWN RELATIVES: Aminah (mother) and Luxor (father)

ABILITIES: Karnak possesses Metahuman strength, speed, and resistence to harm, as well as certain abilities related to the cosmic ether (Numidian Force!)


STRENGTH LEVEL: Karnak's physical strength, though never actually measured, appears to be abot half that of Dreadlock. Karnak's reflexes are sufficient to enable him to track and grab projectiles traveling in excess of 2500 feet per second.


KNOWN SUPERHUMAN POWERS: Karnak's body is able to emit a form of energy with a frequency similar to that of the cosmic ether. By channeeling this energy through his optic nerves he is able to "see' across vast distances of space.


Karnak can also utilize his ocular vision ability in more subtle ways, such as his ability to see into the infrared portion of the electromagnetic sprectrum.

Karnak is also able to make the molecules of his body resonate with cosmic ether, hence transforming himself into an ether like substance. In this form Karnak is able to accelerate his body to extraordinary velocities.


The extent of Karnak's speed is unknown, however, he has been observed to keep pace with spacecraft traveling in excess of 70% Light Speed. Finally, Karnak is able to channel ether through his body and expend it as a controlled energy burst, the magnitude of which are unknown.


WEAPONS AND INSTRUMENTS: Karnk possessess a staff which gives him a number of additional abilities includin the ability to extract life forces from other beings and the ability to communicate over vast distances of space and time with others via astral projections of himlsef.


He is also equipped with a visor which acts as a lense enabling him to find objects in space with pin poiny accurracy and aids him while flying at high velocities.


HISTORY: Karnak is the sone of Queen Aminah and King Luxor. His parents where part of the first generation of Meroites that settled on the planet Napata. Karnak's father, Luxor, commanded the spacecraft Sakkarra that was forced to land on Napata and who was eventually elected to lead the Maatian Federation.

At the time, Queen Aminah was expected to give birth to a baby boy who it was prophesied would play a central role in finding Meroe and family history. Karnak was selected before birth to lead what would eventually become the Numidian Force. He was made to undergo rigorous academic, physical and spiritual training in preperation for his mission, eventually completinhg the Payland Ceremony where he became an Adept.


Karnak was educated  at the House of Life (University of Thebes) in structural physics, architectural and aeronautical engineering, astronomy, archeology, anthropology, geology and the secret Meroitic Script needed to identify the people, literature, and civilization of Meroe.


GROUP AFFILIATIION: Leader of the Numidian Force. Fleet Commander Task Fleet Dogon

BASE OF OPERATIONS: Travels the UniVerse in the command space craft USIRI

HEIGHT: 6 "5"

WEIGHT: 225 lbs.

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

MISSION: Locate and identify the lost Earth based civilization of Meroe

MOTTO: "I Come Correct!"

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