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SeeBa Fact File




KNOWN RELATIVES: SeeBa (sister), Kashta (mother), Taharqa (father


ABILITIES: SeeBa possesses the skill, grace, and muscle control of an accomplished gymnast. She is a martial artist (protective sciences) having mastered the rank of Purple Slash, the equivalent of the third degree black belt. At the University of Thebes, SeeBa studied aeronautical engineering and mathematics.


WEAPONS AND INSTRUMENTS: SeeBa utilizes no special weapons and isntruments but uses her body.  As an Adept, she has access to the Sacred Staff giving her the ability to extract life forces from other beings and communicate over vast distances of space and time with others via astral projections of herself.


SUPER HUMAN POWERS: SeeBa can levitate above ground for extended periods of time. She speaks Senzar or "Words of Power" by which she can bring life to and manipulate animate and inanimate objects.


HISTORY: SeeBa's parents Kashta and Taharqa were rulers in Meroe and accompanied the Meroites as royal dignataries on what was expected to be a routine space mission and that eventually lead them to settle on the planet Napata. Although they don't serve on the Maatian Federation, Kashta and Taharqa are unoficially recognized as the royal rulers of Napata.


GROUP AFFILIATION: Member of the Numidian Force, Commander of the spacecraft, Galactic Andromeda of the Fleet, Task Force Dogon

HEIGHT: 5 "5"

WEIGHT: 130 lbs.

EYES: Green

HAIR: Dark Brown

MISSION: To find the lost Earth based Civilization of Meroe.

MOTTO: "I'm on a Mission!"

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