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Kushite Chronicles cont.- Numidian Force

The Numidian Force!


The Numidian Force is the life energy of the Universe itself!


The five members of the Numidian Force are able to tap into this energy source and utilize it for a variety of purposes, primarily to accomplish their mission to find the lost Earth based civilization of Meroe in the land of Ta-Seti.


Through the secret educational system known as the Mysteries, or the Meroitic Mystery System taught at the 'House of Life', knowledge (secrets) are revealed according to individuals capacity and character.


Numidian Force members have obtained access to the Numidian Force through rigorous physical, mental, and spiritual training, academic preperation in the exact sciences and, finally, completion of the 7 stage Payland Ceremony.


While possible with further preparation, none of the Numidian Force rank as Adepts (described below) a priviledge reserved only for members of the Maatian Federation and a highly select few.


Numidian Force Members


The Numidian Force: Karnak, TaMerit, Dreadlock, Yin Yang and SeeBa. An advanced group of space explorers specially prepared to travel the UniVerse and find the lost Earth based civilization of Meroe. 


Lead by Fleet Admiral Karnak of Task Force Dogon, each member of the Numidian Force has undergone rigorous training into the secret Meroitic Mystery System in preperation for their mission. 


Along with TaMerit, Vice Admiral of the spacecraft Orion Nebula, and SeeBa, Commander of the Galactic Andromeda, the Numidian Force are Assisted by Dreadlock and Yin Yang. Close childhood friends, all members of the Numidian Force were on-board the doomed ship Sakkara when it became stranded on the planet Gondwanaland.


Tasked by the Maatian Federation, Elder Master Sage is the mentor, teacher and advisor to the Numidian Force and played an important role in the life of the male members according to the Age Grade phase of the Meroitic Mystery System. Yin Yang's mother, Tun-Sun, played a similar role in the life of SeeBa and TaMerit



Master Sage


An Adept who is revered as  'The Master of Forms' in recognition of his wisdom, all members of the Numidian Force seek Master Sage's counsel and advice on important, critical matters.


Master Sage is an honorary member of the Maatian Federation  and often called upon to offer advice. Master Sage has no voting power on the Maatian Federation but his influence holds powerful sway. Master Sage would play an important role in preparing the Numidian Force for their mission: to find planet Earth.

The Numidian Force, Dreadlock and The Payland Ritual

The Payland Ceremony is an ancient initiation ritual that originated in Meroe and taps into the powerful energy source known as the Numidian Force!


All full fledged members of the Numidian Force successfully completed The Payland Ceremony. Dreadlock's Initiation was the subject of Numidian Force comic book issues 1-5 beginning with Numidian Force issue No. 1 'In Quest of the Payland!.


Initiation into the Payland Ceremony is not required to tap into the power of the Numidian Force! but as one progresses one is able to achive higher levels of access. Most Meroites, and many Napatans, have successfully completed the ritual and are able to tap into the Numidian Force!, some having obtained the level of Adept.


1. Seven Holes which lead into the human body and Seven layers of skin (anatomy and physiology)

2. The Human Brain, Heart, Eye and Ear are divded into Seven Parts (anatomy and physiology)

3. Age Seven is the Age of Reason; twice that (Fourteen) the Age of Puberty; thrice that (21) the Age of Maturity)

4. There are Seven Continents, Seven Seas, and Seven Planets (geography and topology)

5. Seven Days in a week; Fifty-Two days in a year (5+2); Seven Planets and Seven Cardinal Colors in the solar spectrum - violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red from which all colors are derived (astronomy)

6. Seven Key notes in the musical scale (science of sound and geometry)

7. Seven Cardinal Virtues -Faith, Hope, Charity, Strength, Prudence, Temperence, Justice -  and Seven Cardinal Sins - Pride, Avarice, Luxury, Wrath, Idleness, Gluttony, Envy (Spiritual Science or the Science of the Soul)


Further, all of these systems interacted with one another. The Payland Ceremony placed great emphasis on the spiritual sciences in the belief that while one can master the exact sciences and possess the knowledge of Seven (7) without self-mastery such knowledge can be put to destructive uses.


It should come as no surprise, then, that the Numidian Force, and the people of Meroe before them, were masters of the exact sciences which is why they were reknowed for their scientific and technological advancement.


"The principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows this,

understandingly possesses the Magic Key before whose

touch all the doors of the Temple fly open."

 -Husia (Books of Wise Instruction)

The Payland Ritual 

Derived from the Meroitic Mystery System, the Payland Ceremony is a 7 stage process that unleashes powerful mental and spiritual forces in those who successfully complete its requirements.


Developed over thousands of years before it was perfected, the Payland Ceremony was based on deep knowledge and scientific obervation of nature, the human body, matter and the UniVerse and the conclusion that nature always corresponds to cycles, multiples, derivates and expressions of Seven (7).


Passed down for generations and transmitted through the Husia (Books of Wise Instruction), chief among these observations are the following:

The 7 Levels of the Payland Ritual


Conditions for the ritual are precise, requiring proper alignment of temple structures and stellar bodies upon which the Initiate begins the difficult journey. As temple construction is dual-purposed as astronomical observatories and Houses of Life (learning) they remain in place for future use.

Initiates into the Payland Ritual are severed from all human contact and placed in a chamber in which the journey begins:

1.  Initiate is physically separated.
2. Initiate is placed in isolation with nature.
3. Initiate interrogated on the Rights and Responsibilities of Passage
4. Initiate is blindfolded; placed in the inner-most chambers of the temple and lead through a series of trials.
5. Initiate experiences a series of imaginary physical and mental conflicts perceived as real.
6. Initiate is challenged to renounce previous existence following which they attain a spiritual re-birth symbolized by a new name that personifies their personality and nature.
7. Initiate emerges and successfully completes the Payland Ceremony and is awarded the title Adept.

Upon completion, Adepts are able to tap into the Numidian Force! UniVerse powers, the ability to utilize them and granted special weapons and abilities.


The Adept appears  before the Maatian Federation, close friends and relatives. and is given a new or additional name along with its meaning. 

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