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"The one who talks thinks. The one who does not talk thinks even more."

-Master Sage

The Maatian Federation

Conisisting of Luxor, Aminah, Sunlock, Tiye, Takkara, Tun Sun
Aristor, Mayan, Master Sage (Honorary Memeber who could break tie votes) and, until they were banished, MarTu and Magogolith,
the Maatian Federation is the governing body of the people of Ta-Seti onboard the Sakkarra when it became stranded on Gondwanaland.


The Federation is also tasked with guiding and assisting the Numidian Force in finding the lost civilization of Meroe. Members of the Maatian Federation also serve on Napata's governing body as democratically elected representatives on the Federation of Peoples Deputies.


Formed to accomodate the stranded Meroite's, the Maation Federation was a system of governance based on long established and ancient principles known as Ma'at or 'Truth, Justice, Order and Righteoussness.'

Kushite Chronicles - The Maatian Federation

Sworn to a lifetime oath to perpetuate their ancient culture, the Maatian Federation views itself as the repository of the knowledge and wisdom of  their Earth based civilization. They seek to duplicate Meroitic culture to the greatest extent possible. 


In their adopted homeland of Napata, they named their new headquarters Thebes (Waset), after one of their great ancestral cities, and adopted the Sacred Scale as a symbol of the ideals of Ma'at.


Worked out over a long period, Ma'at expressed the ethical ideal and practice of  democratic governance  and leadership. Basic principles of Ma'at included:

Principles of Ma'at
1. Respect for all human beings
2. Equality under The Law regardless of race, class or gender
2. Respect for Elders
3. Respect for the Environment
4. Harmony
5. Order
6. Peace
7. Governance and leadership based on Tolerance
8.  Economic development based on trade, versus conquest


All Maatian Federation  members are recognized as Immortals. Immortals have achieved supreme mastery over themselves and recognize the Creative Power within known as the 'Numidian Force.'  Immortals have the ability to read into the mind and will of all non-mortals as well as transform their physical forms into any animate or inanimate object.


Attainment of such power is conditioned upon not mis-using it for evil purposes. Mis-use of this power sets in motion spiritual forces which gradually diminishes access to the 'Numidian Force'.  Immortals are also recognized as Adepts, the highest stage attainable in the Meroitic Mystery System.

Master Sage

Master Sage is an honorary member of the Maatian Federation  and often called upon to offer advice. Master Sage has no voting power on the Maatian Federation unlesss he is required to break a tie vote. Nevertheless, his his influence holds powerful sway. Master Sage would play an important role in preparing the Numidian Force for their mission: to find planet Earth.



Kushite Chronicles cont.
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