Four Great African-American Artists of the 20th Century | Jacob Lawrence, Palmer Hayden, Romare Bear
Artist: Jacob Lawrence; Title: Vaudeville (1951)~ "Masterpiece." The tensions between an art that refers to black people's social...

Sir. Miles Dewey Davis III Did More for Modern Music Than You Ever Thought
(All Photographs : Courtesy of the Miles Davis Estate Miles in Paris 1946) Miles Davis Did More for Modern Music Than You Ever Thought....

Rumba Music and Dance
Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, US Tour 2011 Cuba is the most important source of music in Latin America. The island has produced dance...

"When I die, the consciousness I carry I will to black people. May they pick me apart and take the useful parts, the sweet meat of my...

The Second Line Culture
The name Second Line is an urban social tradition for the African-American youth of New Orleans. Being a “Second Liner” is something that...

The Great African-American Classical Art-Form Art Blakey “Abdullah Ibn Buhaina” aka "Buh" The Big Beat Perhaps the best known and most...

Black Super Model Donyale Luna
Super Model Donyale Luna (1946-1979) Ms. Luna was the first black super model. By 1966, she had appeared on the covers of Harper's Bazaar...

Grachan Moncur Ⅲ
The Great African-American Art-Form BLUE NOTE BLP 4153 http://open.spotify.com/album/4lybhjIqqPtLb5xV8sXg3x https://itunes.apple.com/us/a...

Lightin Hopkins
The United States of The Blues The Blues has provided the basic melodic language for all forms of American music especially so-called...

Jon Hendricks
The group was also known as Lambert, Hendricks and Ross when Canadian jazz singer Anne Marie Moss briefly replaced Annie Ross. Any hopes...