Aida Overton Walker: Actress, Singer, Dancer and Choreographer
Aida Overton Walker (1880–1914), actress, singer, dancer and choreographer, was arguably the most famous female African-American...

Afro-Cuban Painter/Actress Lilli Bernard
Afro-Cuban Painter/Actress Lilli Bernard - Born in Cuba, Bernard's family moved to Japan where Bernard studied the arts. Later, she moved...

101-Year Old Film Footage Found in Museum of Modern Art Collection: Earliest Known Feature Made with
The Museum of Modern Art announces the discovery of previously unidentified, 101-year-old film footage, the earliest known surviving...

African American Conductors Make History on Broadway
A watershed moment, a major milestone, recently took place on Broadway, with the orchestras of four major shows led under the batons of...

"The Black Swan": Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield (1824-1876)
Elizabeth Taylor was born and enslaved in the region of Natchez, Mississippi. In the 1820s, her owner Mrs. Holliday Greenfield moved to...

THE HARDEST WORKING WOMAN IN SHOW BUSINESS! - Matilda Sissieretta Jones "The Black Patti" (1869-193
"The announcement of the coming concert of the Black Patti Company Thursday at the Grand shows a programme of musical possibilities. The...

Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales- "The Miller's Tale: Robin With the Bagpipe" (l380) Chaucer
"We know that Duine-dubh, a "black man" in Scotch-Gaelic, is "duine-gorm." a "green or blue man," in Irish-Gaelic: and that blue skin is...